
Acupuncture refers to an ancient Chinese healing method that has been practiced for several thousand years. The process uses super-thin needles that are inserted into defined body points to adjust the energy flow – known as Qi or Chi. Dr. Mandy Halling Roush from Halling Wellness Center in Urbandale, IA, explains that acupuncture seeks to stimulate and adjust the flow of your body's life force energy - restoring the body’s balance from disruptions that impair this life force flow and cause various health issues.

Key Components of Acupuncture

Traditional Chinese medicine theorizes that each of us has a life force energy (a.k.a., Qi, which may also be called Prana by practitioners of Ancient Indian Ayurvedic Medicine). This energy follows defined body networks – known as meridians.

When the flow of vital energy is obstructed or blocked, its disruption can impact different body parts and functions, often becoming the root cause of an imbalance that leads to potential health issues. The objective of acupuncture is to reestablish this Qi flow along these interconnected pathways so that the body can heal itself.  

Acupuncture, as an alternative approach to medicine, involves using slender, sterile needles inserted into precise points on the body's meridians. The body has numerous acupuncture points, each linked to a specific function or a distinct organ. The selection of points in a therapy session varies based on individual needs and treatment objectives.

Acupuncture Therapeutic Goals

Acupuncture offers a viable and effective solution to manage various health conditions that include, in part - 

  • Pain management – including intermittent or chronic pain, back or neck pain, and headaches.
  • Stress and anxiety reduction.
  • Immune health promotion.
  • Mood regulation.
  • Digestive health maintenance and optimization.
  • Assistance with insomnia.

When a skilled professional administers acupuncture with sterile needles, this alternative approach is considered safe with minimal side effects.

Contact a Leading Urbandale, IA, Acupuncturist Near You

It is important to seek advice from a licensed acupuncturist, such as Dr. Halling Roush, prior to starting acupuncture treatment. For more information regarding acupuncture or chiropractic care options, contact a Halling Wellness Center staff member at 515-334-0505 or online.

Main Location


2535 106th St,
Urbandale, IA 50322


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm

3:00 pm - 3:00 pm


10:00 am - 1:00 pm



